Children’s growth is closely linked to the intake of the right amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Nutritional requirements depend on the age, sex, weight and any sports practised, but, whatever these factors, a varied, balanced diet should satisfy the requirements in all phases of development.
In specific circumstances, however, it may be necessary to take supplements of fundamental vitamins and minerals to address a lack of appetite that children often suffer from.
Lack of appetite in children: causes
Children may frequently suffer from a lack of appetite in different phases of their growth, making every meal a struggle for the parents, who are worried that their children are not eating enough. The symptoms are easy to identify: every meal is pushed around the plate, only a few foods stimulate their palate and, usually, they are the ones that should be eaten in moderation, such as sweets or savoury snacks.
Let’s take a look at the possible causes:
- Antibiotic treatment may lead to a general loss of appetite.
- Intestinal viruses are one of the most frequent causes, as is teething.
- Sore throats are also one of the causes that make children refuse food, as it hurts when they swallow.
- Starting nursery, or generally when there is a substantial change in their daily routine, can negatively affect a child’s appetite.
- The change of seasons is another common cause of loss of appetite in children, as are travel and sudden variations in the food offered.
All these situations of loss of appetite are usually resolved on their own in a short time, and should not be a cause for worry. It is however important to avoid insisting and psychological blackmail like promising sweets or gifts if they finish the food on their plate.
But if the loss of appetite continues, it is important to consult a paediatrician to exclude any illnesses.
Remedies for children’s lack of appetite
As explained, the first recommendation, on which paediatricians, child psychologists and nutritionists agree, is to not insist that the child finishes their meal, or using misleading tricks like promising something in exchange. The most classic example is “If you finish your dinner you can watch the cartoons”.
Although it is quite hard not to panic, child nutritionists suggest that you:
- Eat together: when children eat with adults, their curiosity is aroused by the appetite of the other people with them.
- Avoid excessive portions: children will be more motivated if they don’t consider the plate in front of them to be an insurmountable task.
- Patterned plates: using plates with pictures of superheroes or in any case attractive patterns can stimulate the appetite.
- Colourful dishes: children will be more encouraged to taste what is in their plate if they have a variety of colours in front of them.
When to use supplements? During periods when children lack appetite, there is a strong chance that some foods will be refused despite taking all these precautions. To ensure the full intake of all the essential nutrients for their development, supplements with a complete formula suited for children of all ages can be used.
ApportAL® Vital is an excellent multi-vitamin, multi-mineral nutritional supplement for supporting children’s development, by integrating the main micronutrients which must be assured in their diet. In fact, ApportAL® Vital contains:
- Arginine
- Carnitine
- Coenzyme Q10
- Eleutherococcus
- Iron
- Iodine
- Magnesium
- Group B vitamins
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Selenium
- Zinc
Last but not least, ApportAL® Vital contains Royal Jelly, a natural substance that offers many benefits, and is always recommended for stimulating the appetite and increasing body tone. The complete formulation of ApportAL® Vital is therefore ideal for providing valid nutritional support and helping children’s immune defences.