Reconstituent nutritional supplements for children: when to take them?

Paediatricians and nutritionists agree on the importance of a varied, complete diet for children, rich in vitamins and minerals and low in sugars. Usually the daily meals are enough to meet nutrient needs and support growth, but during the change of seasons, teething or periods of increased irritability, children may lose their appetite or their immune defences may be weakened. In this case, the symptoms occur with frequent episodes of disease, pallor, sleep disturbances and tiredness.

In these situations, the vitamin intake deriving from the diet is not sufficient, and supplements formulated to fight nutritional deficiencies in children are necessary. In any case, we should remember that in all phases of growth and during adulthood, following a varied, balanced diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables is a must for guaranteeing well-being for the body and helping the immune system to fight viruses and infections.

In which situations should supplements for children be given

The nutritional supplement ApportAL® Vital contains vitamins and minerals formulated to help children’s (and adults’) bodies to restore the correct level of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it helps to support the immune system, restoring strength and vitality in convalescence and other particularly debilitating periods. In fact, ApportAL® Vital contains 19 nutrients, including elements strengthened with Sucrosomial® technology, an exclusive Pharmanutra S.p.A. patent, which increases tolerability, consequently improving absorption and bioavailability.

Extra advice for strengthening children’s immune system

In addition to a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, it is worth taking some other precautions which, becoming part of the daily routine, can offer a fundamental support in maintaining a healthy immune system in children.

  • Wash your hands: it is well known that washing the hands often is a good preventive measure against infections transmitted by bacteria and viruses.
  • Open the windows frequently: fresh air helps to sanitise the room, preventing the build-up of germs.
  • Outdoor activities: even in the colder seasons, sunny days are a perfect opportunity for taking a walk and playing outdoors. The sun’s rays help to synthesise vitamin D, which is an ally for the immune response.
  • Sleep following a regular routine.
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing: following this simple rule of good manners, children can help themselves and other children, especially at nursery school when they are more exposed to viral infections.

Restorative vitamins: how to cope with the change of seasons and starting school in the best way

The change of seasons and sudden changes in temperature can be a health risk for everyone, but particularly for children. They are more affected by viruses and colds, as their immune system has not yet fully developed.

If in addition to the change of seasons they are continually exposed to bacteria and pathogenic agents at school, the probability of catching flu increases exponentially. All parents are aware of this, but the good news is that, although there is no way to completely eliminate the risk, it is possible to ensure that the immune defences are not drastically reduced.

The recommendations of the Italian Paediatricians’ Society all underline the importance of a healthy lifestyle, in addition to a few simple precautions to take on a day to day basis. With a few precautions and the support of the right vitamins, it is possible to strengthen children’s immune system, so that they are ready to respond in critical periods.

Vitamins for supporting children’s immune system

Let’s start with a concept that paediatricians and nutritionists often state, but which is worth repeating: vitamins and mineral salts actively help to build children’s defensive barrier. This is why fruit and vegetables must be part of their diet, even if you may have to be patient if this causes tantrums. Following a balanced, varied diet is fundamental for promoting healthy growth and educating children to a healthy lifestyle.

So here’s a short guide to the vitamins that help to strengthen children’s immune defences, and the foods we find them in:

  • Vitamin A: useful for the sight, bones and teeth, and also provides valid support for the immune system. It is present in orange foods, including pumpkin, carrots, apricots and melons, green leaf vegetables, liver, cheeses and milk.
  • Vitamin B2: plays an essential role in the synthesis of energy processes for the normal performance of everyday activities. It is present in foods including milk and cheeses, eggs, yeast, as well as green-leaf vegetables and liver.
  • Vitamin B6: useful for increasing the efficiency of the immune system, it is found in foods including milk, meal, whole wheat cereals, pulses, liver and vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12: useful for the production of red blood cells, it is also an important ally for strengthening the immune system. Found in shellfish and fish generally, in chicken, egg yolk and cheeses.
  • Vitamin C: one of the most famous and useful vitamins in the cold season as it strengthens the immune defences. In fact, it has natural immune-boosting and antioxidant actions. It is present in citrus fruits, kiwi, peppers, tomatoes and green leaf vegetables.
  • Vitamin D: it is found in the body and is synthesised through the chemical reaction produced by exposure to sunlight. It supports the intestinal absorption of minerals, such as calcium and phosphorous, which are essential for bone growth and a healthy skeleton. Vitamin D is also an ally for the immune system and is found, although in lower quantities, in salmon, herring, tuna, egg yolk and green-leaf vegetables.

Advice for strengthening children’s immune system

In addition to a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, it is a good idea to ensure the intake of restorative vitamins to keep children’s immune system strong even during the change of seasons.

The targeted nutrients in ApportAL® Vital are formulated to be well-tolerated even by children, supporting their natural defences in both tackling debilitating periods and recovering strength and vitality during convalescence.

This is also thanks to the presence of arginine, carnitine and Royal jelly. Arginine has properties that improve muscle efficiency, ensuring a better blood flow. In the same way, carnitine helps to combat the onset of fatigue and keep energy levels high even when the body has to make greater physical efforts. Royal jelly is a natural food rich in glucose, proteins, minerals and group B vitamins, and is ideal for combating anaemia and asthenia and for strengthening the immune defences.

Supplements for children’s lack of appetite

Children’s growth is closely linked to the intake of the right amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Nutritional requirements depend on the age, sex, weight and any sports practised, but, whatever these factors, a varied, balanced diet should satisfy the requirements in all phases of development.

In specific circumstances, however, it may be necessary to take supplements of fundamental vitamins and minerals to address a lack of appetite that children often suffer from.

Lack of appetite in children: causes

Children may frequently suffer from a lack of appetite in different phases of their growth, making every meal a struggle for the parents, who are worried that their children are not eating enough. The symptoms are easy to identify: every meal is pushed around the plate, only a few foods stimulate their palate and, usually, they are the ones that should be eaten in moderation, such as sweets or savoury snacks.

Let’s take a look at the possible causes:

  • Antibiotic treatment may lead to a general loss of appetite.
  • Intestinal viruses are one of the most frequent causes, as is teething.
  • Sore throats are also one of the causes that make children refuse food, as it hurts when they swallow.
  • Starting nursery, or generally when there is a substantial change in their daily routine, can negatively affect a child’s appetite.
  • The change of seasons is another common cause of loss of appetite in children, as are travel and sudden variations in the food offered.

All these situations of loss of appetite are usually resolved on their own in a short time, and should not be a cause for worry. It is however important to avoid insisting and psychological blackmail like promising sweets or gifts if they finish the food on their plate.

But if the loss of appetite continues, it is important to consult a paediatrician to exclude any illnesses.

Remedies for children’s lack of appetite

As explained, the first recommendation, on which paediatricians, child psychologists and nutritionists agree, is to not insist that the child finishes their meal, or using misleading tricks like promising something in exchange. The most classic example is “If you finish your dinner you can watch the cartoons”.

Although it is quite hard not to panic, child nutritionists suggest that you:

  • Eat together: when children eat with adults, their curiosity is aroused by the appetite of the other people with them.
  • Avoid excessive portions: children will be more motivated if they don’t consider the plate in front of them to be an insurmountable task.
  • Patterned plates: using plates with pictures of superheroes or in any case attractive patterns can stimulate the appetite.
  • Colourful dishes: children will be more encouraged to taste what is in their plate if they have a variety of colours in front of them.

When to use supplements?  During periods when children lack appetite, there is a strong chance that some foods will be refused despite taking all these precautions. To ensure the full intake of all the essential nutrients for their development, supplements with a complete formula suited for children of all ages can be used.

ApportAL® Vital is an excellent multi-vitamin, multi-mineral nutritional supplement for supporting children’s development, by integrating the main micronutrients which must be assured in their diet. In fact, ApportAL® Vital contains:

  • Arginine
  • Carnitine
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Magnesium
  • Group B vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Last but not least, ApportAL® Vital contains Royal Jelly, a natural substance that offers many benefits, and is always recommended for stimulating the appetite and increasing body tone. The complete formulation of ApportAL® Vital is therefore ideal for providing valid nutritional support and helping children’s immune defences.

Flu in children: how to recover energy with a reconstituent

Every year when the first cold spells appear, parents, grandparents and teachers get ready to tackle a relentless wave of flu in children, causing fever, colds, coughs, bone pain and gastrointestinal problems.

Even once they have recovered, children in any case continue to feel tired, and often have flu-like after-effects.

Rest is fundamental for ensuring full healing, recovering energy and restoring correct immune defence levels. Every year, the Italian Paediatric Society (SIP) underlines the importance of maintaining a healthy active lifestyle to help children’s bodies to develop correctly, so that they are ready to react at critical times. Furthermore, with an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, it is possible to strengthen both the immune system and recover energy after convalescence.

If, despite having flu, forced rest doesn’t suit the child’s character, there are plenty of ideas for creative activities done at home. You’ll find some examples on the Junia Pharma blog, “Crescere Insieme” (Growing Together) (link). It is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature and exposure to the risk of new bacterial loads.

Vitamins useful for helping children to recover energy

A healthy, balanced diet, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, is fundamental for all children, even more so when they need to recover energy after having had flu. This must include:

  • Vitamin A: ensures a valid support for the immune system. It is present in orange foods, including pumpkin, carrots, apricots and melons, green leaf vegetables, liver, cheeses and milk.
  • Vitamin B2: helps to provide the body with the correct energy intake. It is present in milk and cheeses, eggs, yeast, green leaf vegetables and liver.
  • Vitamin B6: useful for improving the efficiency of the immune system and is found in milk, meal, whole wheat cereals, pulses, liver and vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12: supports the production of red blood cells, and is also an ally for strengthening the immune system. Found in shellfish and fish generally, in chicken, egg yolk and cheeses.
  • Vitamin C: one of the vitamins we just can’t do without, especially in the winter, thanks to its ability to strengthen the immune system. It is present in citrus fruits, kiwi, peppers, tomatoes and green leaf vegetables.
  • Vitamin D: it is essential for healthy bone and skeletal growth, and is also useful for absorbing calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is also an ally for the immune system and is found in salmon, herring, tuna, egg yolk and green leaf vegetables.

Post-flu in children: a reconstituent for recovering energy  

As for adults, specific supplements are available on the market for children that can help them to recover energy after a debilitating convalescence or period of asthenia.

This is the case of the new ApportAL® Vital, the nutritional supplement ideal for everyone, designed to support the body to recover energy, restore the immune defences and get over post-flu convalescence. This is thanks to the multi-vitamin and multi-mineral formulation with 19 nutrients, containing elements enhanced by Sucrosomial® technology, which increases its tolerability, consequently improving absorption and bioavailability.

Furthermore, it contains Royal jelly, the natural remedy known for its wealth of nutrients and immunostimulant properties.

The benefits of restorative multi-vitamin supplements for children

Children’s growth follows some precise and well-defined steps, even though everyone has their own physiological rhythm. It is completely normal, and should not cause (too much) worry if a child begins to make their first sounds before another, if their progress in movements is not immediate or if their appetite is not really what you were expecting.

It is quite common that from weaning onwards, children react unenthusiastically to the introduction of more varied and solid foods. Fruit and vegetables can become the top enemy, leading to tantrums, and may make the parents worry when they are trying to feed their child a diet that can assure healthy, balanced growth.

SIP (the Italian Paediatric Society) recommends setting the rules for a balanced diet right from weaning. And it is precisely in this phase that children begin to develop food preferences, which is why it is very important to be patient if they refuse any foods, using tricks to get them used to eating food that contains the fundamental nutritional elements, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

The risk of the onset of dietary deficiencies.

How do dietary deficiencies appear in children

Iron deficiency (specifically “sideropenia”) is unfortunately very frequent among food deficiency disturbances, especially in children, and must not be underestimated as it could compromise haemoglobin synthesis.

Vitamin C deficiency, on the other hand, has many symptoms, from tiredness to lack of appetite, muscle pain to low immune defences, and consequently a greater tendency to become ill.

Vitamin D deficiency affects children more frequently in the winter, with bone pains, muscle pain, sweating head and hands, tiredness, irritability and sometimes asthma symptoms.

Magnesium deficiency causes tiredness, nausea, lack of appetite, muscle weakness, stomach cramps, shaking and lack of coordination, tachycardia and insomnia.

Selenium deficiency can reduce skeletal muscle functioning and interfere with the production of red blood cells. It is usually manifested with general weakness and the alteration of skin, nail and hair pigmentation.

Zinc deficiency affects the health of the skin, hair and nails, and causes vulnerability of the immune system, delayed wound healing and reduced perception of taste and smell.

Iodine deficiency is rare, because iodine is added to table salt. But it can be manifested with a significant intolerance to the cold and dry, scaly skin.

When, despite all efforts to put balanced meals rich in vital nutrients on the table, the first signs of dietary deficiencies appear, it is probably worth making recourse to multi-vitamin or restorative nutritional supplements.

Of course, first of all, consult your paediatrician.

Here are some signs we should particularly pay attention to:

  • Constant food refusal
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Constant tiredness that does not pass after a night’s sleep
  • General weakness and muscle pain
  • Frequent colds, with a fever, sore throat, bronchitis

Restorative multi-vitamin supplements for children

The aim of restorative supplements for children is to fight tiredness and nutritional deficits, at the same time stimulating the immune system.

Apportal® Vital is the nutritional supplement ideal for children, with 19 nutrients including arginine, carnitine and Royal jelly.

The complete formulation aids the normal functioning of the immune system for a complete restorative effect, which benefits the whole body.

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